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San Jose del Cabo!

Hola from San Lucas del Cabo, Mexico (Our first stop). We have to be honest and admit we are not traversing through busy city streets, finding our way through new exotic cities speaking only bits and pieces of Spanish that DuoLingo tried to teach us. least not for this first stop. We are definitely living in paradise to say the least, but being as productive as possible. This is our planning destination, where we hope to accomplish the most rigorous schoolwork and fine tuning the rest of our travel plans.

If you want to know what the heck we've been doing this whole time, wait no further! A brief daily schedule is listed here:

6:00 am - Bible study - for early risers (Fabs)

7:30 am - Meet on the beach for a 30 minute stretch & pump, which usually consists of Brad barely able to touch his toes and Jacob trying to get us all to put our right foot behind our head. A great way to wake up.

8:00 am - Jump in the ocean or shower back at the house

8:30 am - Breakfast - with a brief Bible story/history lesson! Fresh pineapple, and mango over yogurt and granola. Yum! And of course, local coffee (which Luke was most excited for)!

9:00 am - Classes begin! Juliette works with Hannah, Jacob and Luke on Language Arts, and we are all currently reading "The Old Man and the Sea". The kids divide up, and while she teaches one, Justine helps tutor the others with their Khan Academy math program.

11:00 am - Class with Brad - either History or Science depending on the day. Hannah, Jacob, and Luke each work on independent research projects for those subjects (special time with dad).

12:00 pm - Lunch! Quesadillas and fresh guac anyone?

1:00 pm - Quiet time for an hour, which doesn't usually exist but the thought is at least there! The rest of the afternoon is spent playing - whether it be swimming, fishing, surfing, tanning, mountain biking, walking along the beach, hiking, swimming with whale-sharks, reading, visiting Todos Santos (a local art community), doing our own painting, etc.

4:30 pm - Shower time. Help Fabienne prepare dinner for those who have that duty on that specific day.

5:30/6:00 pm - Dinner! Usually something prepared by our award winning personal celebrity chef, la fantastique Fabienne Warrick. As you can see we definitely are not starving on this trip.

7:30 pm - Evening activity. This can be a plethora of things, varying from passionate discussions on current world events, playing games, finishing up schoolwork, watching Cowboy Football games, or wherever the wind really takes us. And it doesn't take us too far because we are all EXHAUSTED!

9:00 - 9:30 pm - Reading time for everyone! But honestly, everyone is passed out wayyyy before this time rolls around.

And there you have it - busy days of BLISS! We feel so blessed and are so grateful to be here.

The Blogs will continue to come, just be a bit patient with us as we struggle with wifi and exhaustion ;)


Follow us on Instagram: @carry_onsonly

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